Best ways to deal with Burnout and tips for prevention

Burnout sounds like a very negative scary word and it can be. Burnout is when we work our way all the way up to exhaustion. This doesn’t just mean physical but it can be within your mind too. Even if we have all the physical energy to do something, we still might not be able to do it because of our mental exhaustion.

You can watch my video here or read the full post below

If we prioritise other people more than ourselves, we are doing everything we can for everyone else we might start to feel really hopeless and just give up on ourselves. You may have trouble sleeping and doubt yourself a lot. Burnout can also give you a feeling of anxiety or digestive issues.

Remember that there is no “quick fix’ to burn out and everyone experiences it in different ways. So they will also respond in different ways too!

I’ve put together a list of all the things that work for me when I burnout.

1. Skincare

Looking after my skin is my favourite way to help me revive myself from feeling burnout

When I apply a facemask I can feel it working and I get that instant gratification that makes me feel like I am actually doing something good for myself. This gives me that first boost of energy that will help me to continue taking care of myself and completing what I need to do. Check out my the products I use here and you can also watch my video on it too!

2. Laugh

As you’ve all heard before, laughing is the best medicine. Especially for feeling burnout

When we feel tired and exhausted laughing can pick you up so quickly. Just a smile or a giggle can give you that release. Which then, makes it easier to continue with looking after yourself and recover from burn out

3. Do something that makes you happy

I know this sounds like a simple thing. But when we feel burnout it can be hard to find something that makes us happy.

I completely understand that when we are experiencing burn out doing anything seems like a chore. This is why I like to have paint by numbers nearby which doesn’t take a lot to get ready and I can just begin and lose myself in it. Here’s one I just finished!

elephants in the sunset paint by numbers to calm mind from burn out

Click here to get hold of this beautiful picture

4. Nothing

Doing nothing can often be the best way to deal with burn out

Your mind/body has been through so much that you might just need to switch off from anything and everything around you. I often naturally get inclined to fall into meditation. My breaths get deeper and my mind gets clearer, or I nap. I use an essential oil blend to help me clear my head and you can get them here

3 natural essential oil blends to help with burnout

5. Exercise

Obviously I have to mention exercise for burnout!

A great way to deal with burn out is from the inside and giving yourself a body all the endorphins it needs. Again, this will give you your mini boost to happily do what’s next.

6. Eat healthy

Food is thy medicine too!

As I mentioned above, burn out can lead to digestive issues. So as much as I believe you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. It is still always better to focus on what your body needs. Focus on eating whole foods that will be easy for your body to digest and absorb so you don’t end up feeling heavy and groggy afterwards. I like to have a sweet green smoothie that is light, filling and I’m left with a green smoothie buzz. Adding superfoods like spirulina will help you feel like you’re giving yourself all that extra TLC. Click here to stock up!

green smoothie with lime to deal with burnout

Now we can talk about prevention!

Once we’ve dealt with feeling burnout it’s important to stop it from happening again as much as we can. At this point remember that it’s normal and okay to feel stressed, overwhelmed at times but for most of it we can often prevent it.

Firstly, find out what is the major cause of your burn out.

Is it high expectations from work? Family/Friendship pressures? Difficulty managing your time? Unrealistic views of the world? Lack of self-care?

Just sit with yourself and take sometime to figure this out. Think about what makes you happy and what stresses you out. Keep a journal and start to connect with your emotions throughout the day.

This way you’ll be able to pinpoint what is causing this initial stress that will then lead to burn out.

Prioritise Self Care

This is so important and if you’re new to self-care you can check out my blog post and self-care series here. Self-care is so essential for your mental and physical health and you can incorporate it into so many different aspects of your life.

Remind yourself you aren’t in control of what happens but you are in control of how you react, set boundaries when you need to. Say no when you need to. Don’t forget to check out my Youtube Channel where I talk more about self-development and lifestyle design. Don’t forget to subscribe too!

Sending you lots of love and light,

Manpreet x

Disclaimer: The links I share to Amazon are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them.

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