Plan with me + free self-care planner

Planning your time can be life-changing and help you be so much more organised! As important as it is to be organised with your time and meetings, you cannot forget about yourself! Plan with me so we can fill up your own cup before you commit to anything else. I find I am much more productive when my needs have been checked off! Keep scrolling for the free self-care planner

How do you make sure you look after yourself during the week? Self-care should always be a priority so let’s take back the control and love ourselves some more.


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Watch this video to see how I plan my week or read the full blog post below!

Plan what kind of self-care you need

self-care can be given in so many different ways, spiritual, mental and physical. So at the start of the week, it’s good to focus on what kind of self-care you actually need and then also think about what could stop you from getting that. Just so you’re prepared for it all

Plan your meals

Planning your meals is such a simple but effective way of nourishing yourself from within. When we have our meals planned there’s less of a chance of going towards foods that might not nourish you from within. For some food inspiration, follow me on IG @hello.manpreet

Hold yourself accountable!

Use a simple checklist to hold yourself accountable for keeping up with your self-care. Check things off and if you haven’t done them.. reflect on why and if you need to change yourself care goals then do so

For example, if you’ve given yourself a goal to meditate for 30 mins. Simply change the goal to 5 minutes a day just so you are still focused on it but also considering the reality.

Reflect on your week

Reflect on your wins for the week and focus on all of the things you have achieves. always focus on gratitude and include that in there too then you can look at how you will make your next week better. For more information on reflection watch my video here!

Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter to get the planner delivered straight to your inbox!

Enjoy x


  1. Amitoj Kaur | 11th Sep 20

    Great work

  2. Amitoj Kaur | 11th Sep 20

    I’m so stressed with university work and then giving time to family, friends and then taking out time for myself. Life is messed up.

    • Manpreet | 20th Sep 20

      This is why self care is so important and should always be a priority! I hope you can find some time ( even just 5 minutes) for your self. After practice, you’ll start feeling more mindful about the spare time you have in your day you can start to fill it with acts of self care. Sending lots of love x

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