Growth Mindset and self-care

Here is why self-care requires a growth mindset. I will be sharing 10 tips to boost your cognitive thinking to help you with your self care journey.

You can watch my video here or read the full blog post below

1. Puzzles

Puzzles are a great way to incorporate mindfulness into your life. Doing a puzzle can really enhance the health of your mind, memory and thinking skills. Check out this difficult brussels sprouts puzzle here

2. Enrol in online courses

There are so many new ways you can learn something new. You don’t even always have to commit to a course. Read a journal article and take notes as if you were in school. Just commit to the act of learning to enhance your care for your cognitive development.

3. Reading

Reading is one of the most obvious ways you can develop your mind. There are so many amazing books that will teach you valuable lessons. For my favourite self-development books, you check some out here.

4. Self Development

Spend time leanring about how to improve yourself. Take small steps to work on your goal. we have so many oppurtunities to continue to gor

You would never take water or sunshine away from a flower so do not take away the opportunity to grow away from our minds.

5. Learn a new language

Learning a new language is a really refreshing thing to do for yourself. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming at all! You can always just start off by simple phrases of places that you want to visit soon. This way your exposing your mind to something

6. Documentaries

I love watching documentaries in my spare time and writing notes as if I’m in s lecture, I find they are getting better and better and they really teach us so many valuable lessons. I really love Heal on Netflix where they mix nature and science together.

7. Personality Research

You can head on over to the 16 Personalities website and do the test. Ireally love this because its just a fun way to get a deeper insight of yourself and learn things that can help you make sense of your behaviours. Another thing to remember is that these tests don’t defineyou, i did this 5 years back and my results have changed and that becuase Ihave changed so nothing is ever set in stone when. you do the quizzes

8. Write a letter to yourself

This is a really great way to express your creative thinking skills, you can either write it to the past you and reflect on how far you’ve come and express appreciation toward yourself and give your inner child all that love. or you could write to your future self where you’ll have an opportunity to manifest your dream.

9. Play games

Playing thinking games always leaves me feeling a sense of accomplishment and achievement. I really enjoy Cluedo because observing people and their body language is so satisfying and teaches me so much

10. Remember that you are not what society expects you to be

If you follow through with a few of the tips from above, you will be on a. journey that is so full of self love that you will learn to let go of external expectations to truly be on a journey of self development.

Sending you all so much love,


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