Why self-reflection is so important

Self reflection allows you to see your own life in such a way that gives you time and deep understanding to make changes and improvements.

I share some times and more information in this video or you can read the full post below

Self reflection allows you to look back and analyse. You can gain a deeper insight into what improvements you can make. You also get a chance to embrace and celebrate your wins. Just remember to look at yourself and your life with an open mind.

We have moments where big life events can make us reflect, like ending a work contract, finishing school, gettin married etc. But we forget that its important to do this everyday. 

If you want to live a more conscious life and feel more in control reflection is one of the most powerful things you can do. 

Reflecting on a daily basis has helped me become so much more in tune with my self and accepting mistakes I made during the day and celebrating my wins so I have a positive focus the next day. We get so lost in the future we lose connection to what is happening now.

Journaling for self reflection

Journaling is one of my favourite ways to reflect because the act of writing something down deepens the way your mind processes it and also slows it down. 

It helps you understand and process your thoughts. Analyse it discusses it and break them down give yourself more control.

Related Post: Planner for Self Care

Agony aunt yourself

In my journal I will rant and then ill end it with an answer because you have all the answers within you and you just need to release this too

However things can get negative and sometimes we go into a cycle of negativity. So it’s important to actively think about whats a negative thought you can change. I like to end my entries with quotes or affirmations that I focus on rather than thinking I’m angry about something and its the right way to feel.

Focus on creating a life you want.

When we reflect, we can look at things we might be wasting time on and make sure we reduce those the next day.

Become more aware of yourself 

Become aware of all the little things that happen throughout your day. Not only will this help you improve your memory but also make you so much more aware. Our days can easily blur into one so reflecting can help you separate each day.

Naturally, this will also allow you to track progress and allow you to see what areas of your life you need to focus on. As well as working on and what areas you’ve made progress in so you can celebrate those.

Sending you so much love,


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