How to start Journaling

Journaling is a GREAT way to start your journey to discovering yourself and effectively understanding your thoughts.  I will be sharing some of the benefits of journaling 

1. Journaling is like talking to your friend 

Just like you would share a concern with your friend, you can share it with your journal too  and then when you’re in a better mindset you can work on developing your understanding of certain thoughts 

2. Effective journaling can help you feel less overwhelmed 

When you start to write down all the things on your mind you will start to feel more in control and things will feel easier to tackle.

3. You can recognise negative self-talk when you journal 

We often don’t realise how negatively we can talk to ourselves but once we put it on paper it’s a bit more realistic 

4. Journaling daily can help you  reflect 

As you write in your journal, on a daily basis you will start to become more mindful adna ware of the thing you do and experience on a daily basis.

Related Post: How to self reflect

5. You become more resilient 

You start to be aware of your behaviours and the way you react to things in your day and then you realise you are in control of how you want to be. For example, I became more aware of the repetition of certain behaviour and when looking at it from a different external perspective 

6. Journaling makes you more aware of how you can achieve your goals 

Once you start to write things down you can also start to see the things that might be stopping you from achieving those goals. And then you have the ultimate realisation of knowing that there is nothing stopping you except for yourself.

7. Morning pages are a great way to get started 

  • Just letting your thoughts flow is a great way to start work on understanding them.
  • Don’t use a nice notebook and expect it to be neat, i did this and it actually held me back from things i wanted to write 
  •  You don’t need to have complete sentences and they don’t need to make sense
  • This is just a great way of releasing your thoughts onto paper.

I hope these tips were helpful and you can find the joys in journaling!

Love + Light

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