5 things to do Every Morning

Your morning routine is the most important becuase you can really create and set intentions for your day. Here are a 5 things you should do every morning.

You can either watch the video here or read the full post below

1. Make your bed 

The first one is making your bed. We were forced to do this when we were younger but honestly go and thank your parents right now. This makes you feel productive and puts your mind in “go” mode the second you get out of your bed. It’s a really great way to start your day because you have already completed the first task. From then on your mind is ready to tackle whatever the day brings.

2. Drink water

Even if you think you don’t drink a lot of water during the day I’m sure your body hasn’t gone over 8 hours without it. So hydrate yourself the first thing in the morning. This will wake up all of your insides and clear up any morning mind fog. We sometimes take advantage of the little things we have in our lives. So give your body the gift of hydration in the morning.


3. Pray or Meditate 

Having a moment of stillness is really important in the morning, I pray every morning so this gives me the perfect building blocks for my mindset to be the best during the day. You can meditate or just be still and let your mind wake up and organise itself.

Starting your day with meditation will help you take control. You can decide how productive you are going to be, what you will get done, and create the mindset you want to experience your day with. Remember this doesn’t have to be sitting crossed legged for an hour if you do that’s amazing but you can also practice stillness when drinking your morning water or preparing tea. At this point, it’s good to be away from any other distractions like your phone because this time is important for your mind to be still. This helps set to yourself up to be more mindful throughout the day.

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4. Exercise 

MOVE THAT BODY! Remember, you wouldn’t really spend 8 hours in one position during the day. So after you wake up, doing yoga or some light stretched is a great way to get your blood flowing in your body. I love doing child pose because it decompresses your lower back and that’s where a lot of the tension actually is during the night. The best thing is you can just give yourself five minutes when you wake up and do this in your bed.

As you all know exercise releases endorphins, which not only make you happy but you get a buzz which can fuel your productivity and help you make the best decisions for yourself.

5. Plan your day 

Planing my day is my favourite thing to do because I know the importance and how impactful a good plan can be. And just so you know I don’t do this every day, some days I’m not as productive at work but I’ll be productive with my self-care. Remember this is a journey, we all take different paths and go at a different pace. Be kind to yourself and take it easy 

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Make each day the best you can and find your perfect balance. Remember some days are not going to be as productive as you want but that is always okay and you will learn to go with the flow.

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